My Manifesto: Get to Know Me

I Am
I am an impassioned teacher of living your best life, mindful movement, plant- passionate living, health, happiness, and spirituality. I am a supportive, loving mom of two grown kids, a less than perfect
wife of thirty-plus years and a mentor to our next generation of teachers. I’ve been called a disciplined yogi, lousy vegan, a personal development junkie and an ardent but inspiring teacher that uses love and
compassion to convey a message. I suppose what I’m most passionate about is my commitment to a global wellness revolution through how we move, how we eat and how we think.
I am an award-winning health & fitness leader, a seasoned mindful movement educator and integrative wellness thought leader. I am an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and investor of products
and services that are good for our health and for the planet.
I am passionate about helping others. I share my education and experience around the world. After over thirty plus years of teaching, I have adopted a more balanced approach of self-acceptance and
moderation compared to my earlier years of drive, and ambition. Yes, I’m a recovering Type-A personality seeking a lasting inner peace.
I am a voracious consumer and passionate teacher of wellness issues. I am dedicated to continually expanding my knowledge around a gamut of movement, food and mind-body health-related issues.
I’ve coached many organizations and individuals to greater health via dietary changes, mindful movement and connecting to their inner wisdom. The right balance of mind, body and spirit supports self-actualization and living your best authentic life.

I Believe
I believe that fitness is more than a downward dog or a treadmill. Healing the body but neglecting our mind and spirit doesn’t serve the whole person.
I believe my teaching doesn’t stop at the end of a class. I believe technology helps everyone have access to knowledgeable, inspiring teachers. This includes school children, the poor, the hospital- or home-bound ill, and the elderly.
I believe in promoting a lifestyle of long-term health. Health is not defined by the number of hours you work out or the number of calories you eat, but by the joy and fullness of your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
I believe that all people should have access to fresh, delicious, nutrient dense, affordable food. I believe humans should eat a heavily plant-based diet, an intention that would serve the planet and its inhabitants well, though I do not believe that a vegan lifestyle is necessarily the best choice for everyone. I believe in the healing power of good food. I eat a plant-based diet with a penchant for local, seasonal, ecologically grown food. On occasion I enjoy sustainably raised fish, eggs from a friend’s backyard hens, and local honey. I am not necessarily against eating some meat for those that choose; I am decidedly against the current industrial farming model and its implications.
I believe in giving back and making a difference. It is not just a good thing to help those during challenging times it gives meaning to our lives and makes the world a better place for those less fortunate than ourselves.

I Act
I’ve aligned my expertise and resources with businesses that give access to top trainers and lifestyle practices to a global market, those offering “the greatest good for the greatest number.” (This quote from Theodore Roosevelt, speaking of the US National Parks, is quite apt for our wellness revolution.)
I create dynamic digital programs that allow me to virtually mentor others helping them become CEO’s of their own health and living their best life. I inspire countless people to take charge of their health and happiness by moving intelligently, adopting a plant-passionate diet, improving lifestyle practices, and learning to live and love like you really mean it.
Since 1991, I have a daily practice of yoga and meditation.
Since choosing a primarily plant powered lifestyle at age fifteen, I address my concerns primarily with my fork and my wallet. Leading by example, I support a largely unprocessed, plant-based diet that doesn’t fleece the pockets of the companies harming animals, the environment, or our health. As an executive and board advisor to several healthy restaurants and chain of renowned fitness and wellness facilities, I create, build and support brands that make healthy, thriving and sustainable offerings for the entire family. I support my clients in their journey towards long-term health by educating through my classes, trainings, speaking, writing and experience. I love teaching the “WHY” behind these
teachings that are rooted in ancient philosophy and modern day science.
Education and activism are key ingredients to advancing the wellness revolution. I’ve pursued my own education by ravenously reading industry books and articles, by writing for these same industry periodicals as well as publishing my own book.
I’ve taught thousands of students, as well as trained and certified hundreds of teachers. By presenting
at industry conferences and a teaching professor in the Kinesiology Department at the College level, I
formalize my passion of inspiring our next generation of wellness leaders. I am a presenter and
volunteer with organizations supporting good health as a path to a better world. As a signature
presenter for organizations that expand awareness of the importance of the mind-body-spirit
connection, we’ve helped thousands realize that we cannot destroy the spirit in the process of healing
the body.