On the Blog


I am honored to present at Inner IDEA, the World’s Leading Mind, Body & Spirit Wellness Event.
This conference provides a unique experiential education weekend especially for Pilates, Yoga, Fitness Professionals, Wellness Professionals and Enthusiasts. I’ll be presenting the following Master Classes & Workshops:

  • Wake Up To The Sun – The Flow & Rhythm of Surya Namaskara
  • Yoga: Beyond the Body
  • Market Yourself Authentically for Mind Body Professionals

Please join me for an exceptional weekend of growth, connection, healthy, delicious meals & mindful movement from sunrise to sunset!

  • Over 100 educational sessions in Classic and Eclectic Pilates, Yoga, Nia®, GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® training methods, Franklin Method®, BOSU®, Integrated Movement, Meditation, Mindful Living, Health, Nutrition, Wellness and much more.
  • Earn up to 18 CEC hours from ACE, AFAA, NASM, and PMA. All CECs are pre-approved, an agency petition is not necessary.
  • Explore 2 specialized preconference workshops: Pelvic Power for Core Integration with Eric Franklin and STOTT PILATES® Essential and Intermediate Reformer on the V2 Max Plus™ Reformer, Parts I & II Movement.
  • An intimate conference limited to 550 attendees—enjoy an opportunity to think, breathe and connect meaningfully with presenters and other participants.
  • Energizing and thought-provoking Opening Ceremony with keynote speakers, Mark Allen, six-time Ironman world champion & Brant Secunda, shaman and healer. They are the authors of Fit Soul, Fit Body: 9 Keys to a Healthier, Happier You.
  • La Quinta Resort & Club—a shimmering jewel in the desert. This beautiful, tranquil oasis is the ideal environment for the mindful, reflective Inner IDEA experience.
  • Special events throughout the weekend include the Welcome Reception, five nourishing, holistic meal experiences and many networking opportunities.
  • Inner IDEA Marketplace. Discover mind-body-spirit resources, tools & education. Explore products, books, music, DVDs, clothing, accessories, equipment and much more from leading mind-body-spirit providers.

Inner IDEA is for:

  • Pilates Instructors
  • Yoga Teachers
  • Group Exercise Instructors
  • Owners/Managers
  • Personal Trainers
  • Lifestyle Coaches
  • Wellness Professionals
  • Holistic Health Professionals
  • Students and Enthusiasts

The Inner IDEA Conference has become the leading educational event to study integrative wellness with the world’s top researchers, teachers and presenters.

With fresh new programs (over 90% of this year’s program is different from last year’s) we invite you to learn, experience endless possibilities and transform yourself. Join us as we celebrate our 5th anniversary, and explore the exciting future of wellness.

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