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Fill Your Yoga Practice Now! Exclusive Live Yoga Business Coaching Event Stacy McCarthy & Stephanie Tait Founders, Yoga School of Business
Nowadays, realizing success as a yoga teacher doesn’t just start and end with a good class. You have to know how to run and grow your business if you really want to be able to teach full-time, make a decent living at it, and balance out your personal life.

During this one day live yoga business coaching event, you will learn how to grow your practice though some of the most effective business growth tools and strategies available specifically for the unique needs and desires of yoga teachers.

You’ll start the day with Stacy’s signature “Fire Up Flow” Asana Class & end the day with a “Business Breakthrough” Restorative Yoga Class.

In this Live Coaching Event, you’ll learn how to:

1. Develop a Marketing Strategy as unique and in integrity as you are (without having to spend money buying more “stuff” to help you market yourself.

2. Master How to Talk About Who You Are & What You Do in a way that attracts more ideal students to practice with you and grows your practice.

3. Discover Your Niche – your unique place in the whole yoga field where you have the greatest potential to really stand out in the fast growing yoga field. Create a truly abundant practice & enjoy the personal rewards of building a career in this field.

Program Details:

Program Material Sent to You On-Demand.
Within 24 hours of your registration & payment, you will receive about 4 hours of rich pre-recorded program content to empower you to create an abundant yoga practice. This material is delivered to you in a format like a private, online presentation by your master teachers, Stacy and Stephanie. All you will you have to do is click on the link provided, and the online presentation will run right from your computer, whenever you are ready for it.

During the Live Event, you’ll deepen your understanding of the materials, practice what you’ve learned, & receive direct feedback about how you are going to apply it to grow your practice.
Program Material Sent to You In-Print.
The contents of online presentation will also be sent to you in downloadable PDF, so you can print it out separately to study when you are not at your computer.

Date, Time, Location
Date: Saturday, March 27th
Time: 12:00 – 6:00pm
Location: The Yoga Mandiram @ 2121 Newcastle #E, Cardiff By the Sea, CA.

If you sign up by Wednesday, March 17th @ midnight, this live yoga business coaching event will only cost you only $129.95 + tax. Registrations after March 17th are $159.95 + tax.
Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to fill your yoga practice NOW! Accelerate the results you are seeing from all your efforts to grow your practice
Register Here!

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