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Every wonder why your skin’s not glowing? Why your joints are achy? Why you can’t recover after a high intensity workout? The reason, more than likely, is that you’re inflamed.

Why Fight Inflammation?

Inflammation is a positive and natural part of a healthy immune system. When you get a bug bite and your skin shows localized redness- that’s inflammation helping to rid of the toxins from the bite.

But, it has its time and place… Researchers have shown us that low-grade, chronic inflammation is a major contributor to a compromised immune system, and a resulting slew of health problems.

Inflammation has been linked to: pre-mature aging, various digestive problems, various cancers, chronic fatigue, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, overall irritability in body and mind, and more. It has even been linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers!

Eek! So, what can I do about it? 

There’s a lot to be done to live a life that promotes Anti-Inflammation (Contributors to inflammation can include lack of sleep, lack of exercise, diets low on Omega 3 fatty acids and high in Omega 6 fatty acids, chronic stress, poor gut health, lack of time outdoors, low-grade food allergies and sensitivities, and environmental toxins). Health is complex and typically requires addressing habits in all areas of our lives, but we can start in the area we can most control… our diets.

Here are my rudimentary rules to Eating For Anti-Inflammation:

Stick to Water Based Foods!

Eat what Alkalizes!

Get Plenty of Anti-Oxidants!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!



It’s that simple?! 

Yes! Can you believe it? In print, the path to a body free from excessive inflammation is accessible and simple. But, in practice it can be challenging- not because these foods aren’t delicious or easy to prepare, but because we’re fighting against old habits and cravings…

“Joint pain, bloating and foggy thoughts are not imagined symptoms, They’re the result of improper diet. Make eliminations. Start with wheat, then dairy, then sugar. These are the most inflammatory foods.”  ― Nancy S. Mure

Eliminating these addicting foods is the first step. But instead of going cold-turkey, try reducing the amount you consume and pairing them with seriously hydrating, alkalizing foods at first. Don’t get stuck on “getting rid” of the old, just “add in” supportive, nutrient dense foods and notice the difference you feel. Once you notice how good it feels to fuel your body with what it really wants, it’s hard to go back to your old way of eating.

What should I eat? 

Let’s go back to our list:

Stick to Water Based Foods!

Eat what Alkalizes!

Get Plenty of Anti-Oxidants!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Water Based Foods are typically plants, typically green and typically raw. Try eating a big salad every day, juicy fruits (minimally), and vegetables like cucumber, tomato, radishes, lettuce, kale, carrots, spinach, zucchini, broccoli and sprouts. It is ok to eat cooked food, but do your best to cook slowly, on low heat (under 140′) and without excessive oil or butter. It is also ok to eat your favorite proteins, but try limiting the portion- just a small fist size – paired with a giant salad.

Alkalizing Foods are foods that stabilize your pH level and create a vibrant environment in which longterm health thrives. Disease loves an acidic environment- so does inflammation. Try beginning each day with a big cup of warm water with lemon. Even though lemon is on its own acidic, when metabolized it becomes alkaline. Some of the most alkalizing foods are lemon, Himalayan Pink Salt, grasses and greens, kelp, ginger, radish, chia, cucumber, beans, cauliflower, avocado, and coconut oil. Neutral pH foods include oatmeal, and dates.

Anti-Oxidants help to protect your cells from the effects of free radicals in the body. Try including foods in your diet that are rich in anti-oxidants like beets, blueberries, flax seeds, onion, sea weed, garlic and turmeric. Taking a walk next to the ocean or sitting with a purring kitty can also help to manage free radicals by providing the body with negative ions!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! And I’m not kidding! Your body is made up of up to 60% water. Your brain and heart alone are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. When you wake up, make sure water is the first thing that enters your body. And keep your glass full throughout the day. Not only does proper hydration help you to metabolize your food, it will help to keep your bowels functioning optimally, and will help keep your mind happy. Often when you’re feeling “foggy, lethargic, and warn out” you are just dehydrated.



2 cups coconut water (or filtered water)

2 tbsp grated fresh turmeric (or ½ to 1 tsp dried turmeric powder)

1 tbsp grated fresh ginger

juice from 1 lemon or orange

1 tbsp raw honey or real maple syrup

pinch of black pepper

Optional: a pinch of cayenne or cinnamon

DIRECTIONS: Place all ingredients into high speed blender and blend until smooth. Drink as is or strain before serving.

Don’t forget the pepper!

Turmeric gets its anti-inflammatory properties from its Curcumin, which is an anti-oxidant therefore reducing free radicals, helps to regulate digestion by regulating the gallbladder and bile production, promotes healthy heart function, and may even help to prevent viral and bacterial diseases in the body! But make sure you add in some black pepper. Curcumin doesn’t easily release into the bloodstream until this spice is added.

And next time you’re at Beaming Cafe, try starting your meal with a Vitality Shot. This little shot packs a kick, but it’s worth it! It also kicks inflammation out of the body with a heavy dose of lemon, ginger and turmeric!

Here’s to a healthy, beaming YOU!!

With Love + Namaste,


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