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The Three Doshas of Ayurveda 

What is your Dosha?

Before we dive into the Doshas, let’s talk a little bit about where they come from- the science of Ayurveda. 

Like Yoga, Ayurveda comes through the teachings of the Upanishads & the four Vedas. The ancient science constitutes the oldest and longest medical texts in the world! There are specific branches of Ayurveda, similar to Western Medicine; Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Eyes, Head & Throat, Toxicology, Psychology, Rejuvenation and even Aphrodisiacs!

Ayurveda uses the Pancha Mahabhutani (The Five Great Elements) as its guiding force. Each of the five elements can be thought of as principles of density, manifestations of ideas, and fields of expression.

Pancha Mahabhutani: Air, Ether, Fire, Water, Earth

When combined a certain way, the elements create different, unique constitutions- which we call The 3 Doshas.

The Doshas can be applied to all physical life- from the ocean to animals, the change of seasons, and even our own bodies. Each season, life form, and person usually has one dominant Dosha.

The three Doshas:

VATA (Elements Air and Ether)

PITTA (Elements Fire and Water)

KAPHA (Elements Water and Earth)

To find out your primary Dosha, just fill out the questionnaire below!!


Note: This post and quiz is meant to act as an initial guide to your discovery. This is not a substitution for a true Dosha screening by an Ayurvedic doctor, nor is it meant to act as medical advice. To learn more about Ayurveda and the Doshas, research a local Ayurvedic practitioner in your area.


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